Sede e Contatti

Via XX Settembre, 10
42011 – Bagnolo in Piano (RE)

Tel. +39-522-492433
Fax +39-522-1820052
Cell. +39-339 2290643

Skipe: ivannojl



Gruppo AIM - Vicenza

“Jon LIV Progetti per il cambiamento” ha svolto alcuni interventi di Executive Coaching e di Corporate Coaching presso il Gruppo AIM di Vicenza, da dicembre 2011 a febbraio 2013, riservato ai componenti del Comitato di Direzione (18 persone) e al Personale Direttivo del gruppo AIM (80 persone).
Le metodologie interattive adottate hanno coinvolto la partecipazione attiva e interessata dei partecipanti. La qualità degli elaborati dei lavori di gruppo ha portato i partecipanti ad un livello superiore di consapevolezza e di capacità di gestione di una molteplicità di punti critici da affrontare e superare in un’ottica di squadra, ispirata a valori condivisi. Il lavoro svolto da Jon LIV Progetti per il cambiamento è stato apprezzato dall’Azienda, tra l’altro, per l’efficacia di alcuni interventi individuali che hanno contribuito a generare una nuova identità di ruolo in alcuni dirigenti di alto livello, portandoli ad un diverso, più elevato livello di consapevolezza rispetto alla situazione del proprio passato recente”.

La Direzione HR
Luciano Avogaro

Eigenmann & Veronelli S.p.A.

As soon as I joined the Company, I have decided to initiate a Coaching program with my new team, thus I met Ivanno for the first time. It was immediate as soon as we started talking about our course, that we tuned together. Ivanno was careful, proactive and very professional in the designing phase, perceiving my needs - even the less evident ones - putting together a perfect tailored course for a very difficult population that was going through a very delicate transition phase.

The targeted persons never went for a personal improvement program, neither for a leadership or a management course, hence they were difficult to approach and in a way, a bit suspicious. Ivanno broke the ice tuning immediately with them instantly gaining credibility as well as authoritativeness since meeting #1. I was extremely impressed seeing people changing after every session, revealing an effectiveness that I have never experienced in my professional life for such kind of courses. Just few sessions were needed to render persons closer each other, loosing old tensions focusing them on sharing few very solid values and targets.

After 2 years from the coaching program, these people are still in touch with Ivanno. They still regularly exchange ideas, opinions and perceptions on their day-by-day professional experience, acting stronger and steadier. I would really thank Ivanno as he helped me to enter as manager in a new environment were tensions and individualism seemed to be smoldering since ever. The coaching program was extraordinarily effective allowing me to quickly orient the team toward our common goal.

Mauro Catellani
Industrial Division
Managing Director

Agenzia web: Aixberg